About Us:

Hi! Welcome to Beautiful Fearless Families!

Welcome to the BFF Family!

I am so glad you’re here!

I’m Jennie and I’m a preschool and kindergarten teacher at one of the longest running co-ops in the midwest USA.

I love my family, I love kids and I love helping parents feel a little better in the chaos of parenting.

I didn’t know I’d wind up as a teacher, trainer and coach when my daughter started her first year at the little forest school we found in our backyard, but here we are!

Even though I’m now the kindergarten and 2 year old class teacher, I’m not really an expert or a guru, but more as a guide and a friend to other moms and dads on their journeys in this crazy parenthood thing we’re doing.

Truth is, we’re all trying these things for the first time and we get better as we practice.

We love guiding parents in creating their own great family energy dynamics and synergy in their home life, even if you sometimes feel like a bad parent or a not-that-great partner!

Its normal to wonder and worry…it’s a signpost that there’s a deep part of us that cares about the outcomes we can create.

The biggest piece of advice that I’d like to share is to remember parenthood is a marathon…not a sprint.

Nothing you did yesterday, today or tomorrow is “the most important thing EVER” when you zoom out on all the things you’ve done and will do as a parent.

Youre not f***ing up your kids.

You’re not gonna end up in life-long therapy.

Maybe they’re weird, maybe you’re weird, maybe we’re all weird and

what’s going on with you is probably more normal than it feels.

So even if things feel BIG and the outlook bleak at times (and it does for EVERYONE, I promise), today’s a new day and we can always start from where we are to get where we want and need to go.

My husband Jeremy and I started Beautiful Fearless Families when we realized there was a huge problem with the lack of principled parenting support out there.

Very few of the books and teachers treat our kids as whole humans from birth.

They usually suggest it’s on the parent to raise their children into becoming a mature human.

We sort of agree but its WAY more helpful to reframe it so that parenting is a collaborative effort with your kiddo….

….and there’s nothing wrong with them (or you) – we’re just all on a journey understanding ourselves better.

We find that taking the time to breath and remember you’re unique and you have a purpose here.

Thats one of the reasons almost all our classes, coaching and strategies we incorporate include:

play-based education,
social emotional learning
Quantum Human Design
leading neuroscience

all to help to you and your kiddos develop the confidence, resilience and joy you desire.

One thing that makes our programs and style unique is that we LOVE to incorporate Human Design into our educational process because it’s very helpful in understanding our unique energy maps.

Human design is a system of understanding the unique energy blueprints of an individual.

It presents a thorough opportunity to reflect all those times you’re scratching your head on “why does my kid do this” or “why can’t I seem to get this to happen…”

It allows you to honor your uniqueness and try new ways of living that get you to your own inner knowing so you can know what’s right for YOU and YOUR family.

There’s nothing more frustrating that reading a book or watching a reel or listening to a TEDx talk and actually doing the tips….and then realizing you still have way more adjusting to do and all the pieces of advice didn’t really solve anything.

You have your own unique style. Your kids do to. Your co-parents do too.

BUT… if using Human Design to get to know your energy map and the energy maps of your families and HOW they work together, you have a superpower

And this superpower is ESSENTIAL and common to all parents building confidence in themselves as whole humans.

It’s why we teach our “Parenting by Design” class.

It’s a 6 week, introductory Human Design and Parenting Integration class that looks at your unique energy blueprint and the lets you fill in the pieces of your canvas.

The course covers:

  • Quantum Human Design
  • Child Development
  • Personal Conditioning
  • Mistaken Motivations

After taking the class you’ll have a much clearer picture of who you are, where you are, where you’re heading and how you’re gonna get there.

If this sounds like something that might benefit you as you guide your family on this great adventure, Click here to get on the email list and I can tell you more about it.

It’s not a terribly expensive class to attend, and there are scholarships available…. so if it sounds like something you might benefit from – this is a sign!

Glad you found us and looking forward to what your family does in this new era of life!