Parenting by Design: A Journey to Alignment, Confidence, and Presence in Your Family

Hey there, I’m Jeremy, and I LOVE human design. My partner Jennie is a preschool and kindergarten teacher and I’ve watched as she’s learned to work with the unbelievable, amazing and often chaotic energies that happen in families just like yours and ours.

Human design has been a really helpful tool for me to understand my own energy and figure out how to relate authentically and joyfully with my partner Jennie and our kids, my parents, my friends.

It’s helped me find my own rhythm and balance and be a better dad.

It’s helped Jennie strengthen her intuition and insights.

It’s helped my kids feel great about knowing when they should try something new, and when they need to replenish their own energy.

It simplifies living.

As parents, we’re constantly navigating a sea of advice, trying to make the right choices for our kids and ourselves.

What if there was a way to understand not just your child’s unique needs, but also your own, and discover your own unique, simpler approach to living in harmony.

Why I am teaching this Parenting by Design class:

I’ve been an unsure parent—tired of feeling like I’m reacting instead of leading my family with intention.

I discovered Human Design at a time when I was searching for a way to better understand myself and my kids.

What I found was transformative. Suddenly, the dynamics in my household made sense. The push and pull, the frustrations, the beautiful moments—it all became clearer when I understood how our energy types were interacting.

What is Human Design and How can it help me be a better parents

Human design is a system to help people understand their unique energy maps.

Based in self-reflective opportunities to see the unique value only you can bring to life.

To view your own map, you’ll need your birthday, birth TIME and birth place. From there, you’ll get a rather comprehensive picture with a bunch of symbols, numbers and colors that may feel confusing.

I can help you make sense of what you’re seeing and help you find the best ways to mine this information and make it REALLY useful, really fast.

Tell me about the class:

Parenting by Design is an online class, structured into 6 weekly video modules, with each lesson bringing you closer to understanding your family’s unique energy dynamics.

You’ll get reflective exercises and suggested experiments to try at home, allowing you to test out what you learn in real-time.

There’s no rush—you can move at your own pace, and you can’t fall behind. Just show up for class, do a little work to make a little progress, and keep moving forward.

Course Details:

How to Read and Understand Human Design Chart: You’ll need your birthday, birth TIME and location to get started. From here, I’ll walk you through how to make sense of it and understand your own AND your child’s design.

Challenges and Support for Each Energy Type: There are only 5 energy types in Human design. And each presents unique challenges, opportunities, and styles. Learn the unique challenges each type faces and how to best provide support for yourself and your loved ones.

Family Dynamics and Themes: Every human has a backstory – you’re no different. Where you come from, what you believe and what you’ve encountered are part of YOUR story. In the class we learn to identify overarching themes within your family and clarify the narratives that shape your interactions.

Take Responsibility as a Parent and Guide: Stop fighting against the flow and work with what works for YOU. Through the exercises you’ll step more fully into your role as a leader and supporter.

This isn’t just a class; it’s an investment of time and energy in yourself and YOUR abilities to bring simplicity and better guide your family’s future.

We cover a comprehensive, insightful, and practical introduction to Human Design, along with exercises and experiments to try designed to help you intuitively transform how you relate to your loved ones.

If you’re ready to take the lead in your family’s journey, to move beyond old patterns and step into a more aligned and confident role as a parent, then Parenting by Design is for you. Join me and let’s bring alignment, confidence, and presence into your family

If you’re interested in more, click here to get on the waiting list and get notified when the next class opens!